The St Peter the Apostle Conference of The St. Vincent de Paul Society strives to carry out the teaching of Christ and the tradition
of the church to "love our neighbor as ourselves". The Society was begun in
the 1830s in an effort to do this work which continues today all over the
world, and in our small parish on Cape Cod. Anyone who lives within our
parish boundaries, regardless of creed, may call our helpline. Food,
housing, heat and electricity are the primary areas in which we offer
assistance and we have done so in over 600 cases in the last 8 years.
This work is funded by the contributions of the parish community and
friends who visit us. Over 99% of our funds go directly to provide help
to people in our local area who find themselves in need. Your
contribution is greatly appreciated and allows us to sustain our efforts.
These donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Your generousity is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 508 487-0095 ext 4
To contribute to the
SVdP fund please click on the Donate button.
Thank you very much for your donation.
We make it easy. Pay by credit card, or debit card or
use your PayPal account
What happens when you click on donate or subscribe?
When you click the "Donate" button, you will be brought into the
secure PayPal environment where you can enter your payment
preferences, including donation amount and type of card used.
If you wish to use PayPal, you will have to logon to PayPal using your PayPal ID and password.
If you wish to use a credit or debit card you will have to enter your card information. The
PayPal process here is the same process used by many merchants when
purchasing items on the internet. No information regarding
your credit or debit card is known or shared by us. Immediately
after you complete the transaction PayPal will send you an e-mail
message acknowledging receipt of your donation.
